Face Shapes That Look Good With A Bob


The hairstyle you have will only look good to you based on your face shape. If you want to ensure you get the right face shape, you need to consider the shape of your face. Not all face shapes will look good in a bob wig, so you need to think about your wig decisions before buying them. Here are some of the face shapes that look very good with a bob.

How to know your face shape

Before you get started getting a wig, the first thing you need to figure out is knowing your face shape. Stand in front of your mirror and look at your face. You might notice that some features outrightly tell you what your shape is. If it is hard to determine it this way, measure your face. Measure your hairline to your jaw, that is from one side of your ear to another through the nose and across your face.

In doing so, you can figure out what your face shape is. If the width of your face is longer than the width, you have an oval face. If the two sides are almost similar, you have around and heart shape, which means you have a bigger upside of the face, which tapers down to the chin. Knowing your face shape will determine the kind of wig you wear

Face shapes that fit well with a bob wig

Once you know your face shape, you cannot figure out the type of wig you can wear. Here are the various face shapes that go well with a bob

1. Oval shape

The oval shape face works well with a bob. You can either wear a short bob or the longer version. All of them will look good on you.

2. Square shape

If you have a square shape, ensure the bob you get is slightly above the jaw. Making it too short will show the defined edges of your face, and having it too long makes your face look unproportional. Mid-sized bobs will be perfect for you if you have a square shape. You can cut up the ends of the hair, so it looks like it is layered in a way. Whatever you settle for, just ensure that you add a couple of layers to it.

3. Round face

For the round face, ensure your bob goes just below the chin. It will give the illusion of an elongated face, which complements your face. Shorter bobs will make your face seem slightly fatter, which most people don’t want. You can also add a few waves and definitions to add volume to the bob but make sure you keep it minimum. The fuller the hair, the fuller your face looks.


When buying a wig, you need to ensure it looks good on you. Many times, a variation of a wig might look good on you but be awful to another person. Take the time and figure out what shapes falter you, then go with those.


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